I can not believe that we are like a month away from Christmas its crazy, so lets talk about liquid applications of vermicast or compost. There are as many opinions as there are Kim
Kardashian crying memes and I am adding to it. So my 2 cents are this...( cause I can feel your breathless anticipation lol)
Passive extract is easy and quick and super reliable.
Insert the "tea" bag in non-chlorinated water for up to 24 hours then gently "wash" the bag to get all of the microbiology knocked off the micro aggregates. Should be the color of strong black tea.Th

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pen the tea bag and introduce the spent castings to the soil. Compost or vermicompost the bag. Easy peasy, no bio slime residue to deal with, no worries about it going anaerobic and lets be honest I put the bag in the water before I go to bed and water in the morning. The only draw back is that all of the biology may not be waterborne with out agitation but putting the spent castings back it to the soil will allow what ever is left to be utilized. Even though I work and brew extracts weekly my house plants are usually neglected. lol the shoe makers kids have no shoes, pretty much sums it up.
2. Aerated extract use an air pump at 80 psi to knock the microbiology off the aggregates. Should be the color of strong tea. Brew for about 24 hours.
a.Now to feed or not feed the microbiology is really the question. I have heard using molasses (which contains about 124 different kinds of sugars) unpasteurized honey and fermented anaerobic black water...? I don't even know what to call it, but which microbiology are you feeding? This is where is gets really complex. We look at the vermicompost under the microscope before we start to brew so we can have a pretty good guess what we have in there if the samples have lots of bacteria and little fungi and we feed simple sugars to them we are going to have a really unbalanced extract full of bacteria. And if we have lots of fungi that can not eat simple sugars then we are feeding and managing a brew to no avail. So the only way we have found too really check what is going on with the extract in to look under the microscope and in a 24 hour brew we have 4 samples drawn to really have good tractability of what is growing.
I don't want to discourage you from either process of making extract at home, but I think the most important thing is to start with really high quality compost or vermicompost that has lots of diverse microbiology and experiment. (or just buy from us cause our extract is amazing!!!)